
Wednesday 13 July 2016

Date : 14.7.2016

Maximum Entry Age for GDS Posts increased to 40 years

It has been observed that due to maximum age limit of 30 years many of GDS engaged in their prime youth tend to leave for want of better opportunities and the needy and competent persons who have ceased the maximum age limit criteria are deprived of the opportunity.

Thisorder was already published in our website previously.

In the Oral Evidence Meeting with GDS Pay Committee we  only requested the Committee to raise the age limit for GDS to PA to 40 years.

As per present Recruitment Rules, GDS to PA age limit is restricted to 30 years with 5 years of GDS service.

But,as per Open Market Recruitment Rules the age limit is 27 (not applicable service condition)

So, Committee definitily think about what the facility provided by the Department.

Open recruitees - 27
GDS recruitees - 25 (inserting the service condition of 5 years)

If DoP permitt a person to GDS recruitment at the age of 40 years then automatically it must be applicable to GDS to PA also.

This credit goes to NATIONAL UNION only.

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