
Wednesday 24 June 2020

New Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI/RPLI

Date : 24.06.2020

New Promotional and Incentive Structure of PLI/RPLI.

Clarification on eligibility of PLI for AP Grama Sachivalayam employees.

Date : 24.06.2020

Clarification on eligibility of PLI for AP Grama Sachivalayam employees.

CS NAPE Gc letter to CPMG AP Circle regarding Trade Union facilities

Date : 24.06.2020

CS NAPE Gc letter to CPMG AP Circle regarding Trade Union facilities.

MTS examination from GDS for 2018,2019&2020 Recruitment years : Andhra Pradesh Circle.

Date : 24.06.2020

MTS examination from GDS for 2018,2019&2020 Recruitment years : Andhra Pradesh Circle.


MTS examination from GDS for 2018,2019&2020 Recruitment years : Telangana Circle.

Date : 24.06.2020

MTS examination from GDS for 2018,2019&2020 Recruitment years : Telangana Circle.

Sunday 14 June 2020

SB Orders on Amendment to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual/ POSB Manual Volume.

Date : 14.06.2020

SB Orders on Amendment to procedural rule in POSB (CBS) Manual/ POSB Manual Volume.

Applicability of Aarogyasri to GDS in AP Circle

Date : 14.06.2020

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Settlement of PLI/RPLI claims within prescribed Citizen Charter's Norms : Directorate of PLI

Date :14.6.2020

Settlement of PLI/RPLI claims within prescribed Citizen Charter's Norms : Directorate of PLI.

Intimating regarding COVID-19 patient - Reg: Department of Posts.

Date : 14.06.2020

Intimating regarding COVID-19 patient - Reg: Department of Posts.

Compassionate Engagement against the post of GDS : Telangana Circle.

Date : 14.06.2020

Compassionate Engagement against the post of GDS : Telangana Circle.