
Sunday, 17 July 2016

Date : 17.7.2016

No proof required: Good morality is good politics

There is a distinct possibility of the BJP taking the high moral ground and winning elections. Whether the possibility turns into reality will, to a considerable degree, depend on the manner in which the BJP conducts itself for the all-important UP electoral prize. Here are some facts that can help Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the BJP take the plunge into being a political party that people might like to like, rather than a party that people love to hate.
The latest rainfall estimate (between June 1 and July 13) is 4 per cent above normal. The India Meteorological Department (IMD) forecast for the monsoon is that it will be 8 per cent above normal. The big political and economic question is: What will happen to agricultural and overall growth in 2016-17.
Several state elections (most importantly UP) are likely to be held in February-March 2017. Both inflation and growth are important factors for the voters. A correct understanding of what is likely to happen to these two variables will likely affect both the election strategy and outcomes.
The BJP had two clear, and distinct, strategies for the Bihar and Assam elections. For the former, it relied on the appeal to the fringe elements within its fold. It lost horribly. In Assam, the BJP changed course and fought on a non-divisive platform; on a promise of growth and governance, rather than the practice of communalism and casteism — it won handsomely.

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