
Friday, 15 July 2016

Date : 15.7.2016


Employee Provident Fund Eligibility

Every Employee in India should have anEmployee Provident Fund if He / She has a salary above Rs. 6500/-. If the Employer does not have it, employee has right to ask for EPF in his name. Generally, Employer has to pay the equivalent amount for EPF as much as the employee pays.
The employer shall pay the contribution payable to the EPF, EDLI and Employees’ Pension Fund in respect of the member of the Employees’ Pension Fund employed by him directly by or through a contractor.
The government will continue to contribute1.16% upto the actual wage of maximum Rs.6500 per month towards Employees’ Pension Scheme.  The employer’s share in the Pension Scheme will be Rs.541.
Under Employees’ Deposit-Linked Insurance Scheme the contribution @ 0.50% is required to be paid upto a maximum limit of Rs. 6500.

Who is Eligible for Employee Provident Fund ?

For New Entrants:
  • An employee is eligible for membership from the day he joins the company who has enrolled for EPF Scheme
  • If an Employer has equal to or more than 20 employees, it is mandatory for him or to join the Employee Provident Fund Scheme.
  • If the employee’s emoluments exceed Rs. 6,500/- per month, he has the option to join the Scheme(s)  with the consent of employer.
  • Declare previous employment details, if any, in  Form No. 11  to the employer.
  • On becoming a member of the Schemes file details in Form No. 2 ( family particulars/ nominations) through the employer.
  • Rate of contribution payable by a member shall be @ 12% of his emoluments.
  • A member can contribute statutorily over and above the prescribed rate.
Employee Provident Fund Eligibility

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